Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Creatures of the Earth, the legend of Paikeachi Zor at PRASHANT on Wednesday, 21st March at 4.00 pm



On the occasion of

World Forestry Day (March 21st) and World Water Day (March 22nd)

PRASHANT   (A Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace)

invites you to a Presentation





Creatures of the Earth, the legend of Paikeachi zor



Creatures of the Earth, is a 37 - minute long piece combining jazz and movement performed by

the Space Theatre Ensemble from Goa directed by Hartman de Souza, with music composed, arranged

and played by Steve Siqueira.


The performance revisits the legend of Paikeachi Zor, a sacred spring in the forests of Quepem

in South Goa.  The creatures of these forests, the earth, the trees, the water and the wind come

alive and depict a day from sunrise to sunset, showing the harmony of life and water and then

the rampant destruction of the same forests by men infectd with greed and their machines.


After a recent tour to adivasi parts of Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand the performance has

been acted out 145 times so far, in village community spaces, marketplaces and squares,

temple and church courtyards and for the general public in auditoriums.  The ensemble includes

Andrea Pereira (23), Stephie Madurel (19) and Terence Jorge (24).


Travelling with a mobile photomontage that visually depicts Goa's destruction - thanks to mining -

the ensemble also carries a series of artistic maps detailing Goa's fragile ecology that are also

made available for a reasonable charge.

The performance does not use a particular language.


A video documentary by Kurush Canteenwala will also be screened.

The total programme will last for about 75 minutes including discussion with the actors.


Venue :    PRASHANT,Nr. Kamdhenu Hall,Drive-in Road, Ahmedabad 380 052

                Ph: 66522333, 27455913

Date    :    Wednesday, 21st March, 2012

Time    :    4.00 pm


We look forward to your presence.


Thanking you,


Yours sincerely,


Fr. Cedric Prakash sj






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