Tuesday, December 11, 2007



10th December 2007
Dear Friends,
We are on the eve of  Elections here in Gujarat....However, one is aware that there are thousands of people who still do not have their Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC) or have these cards with totally wrong information / spelling, etc.
However, Election Commission sources have informed all eligible voters through the media that one will still be allowed to exercise one's franchise with the help of alternative documents.
The Election Commission has validated fourteen  documents ( photo identity ), which will permit one to exercise one's vote in the absence of an EPIC.  These are :
 i)    Passport
ii)   Driving licence
iii)  PAN card
iv)   Identity card of State Government, Central Government, PSU and Pvt. Ltd. Companies
v)    Bank passbook
vi)   Student I-card
vii)  Registered deed of property
viii) ST, SC and OBC certificate
ix)   Pension book
x)    Widow pension book
xi)   Freedom Fighter ID card
xii)  Weapon's licence
xiii) NREGS job card
xiv)  ESI card
All this, obviously, if one's name is on the Electoral Rolls and if it corroborates with the name on  the above mentioned

Persons with faulty EPICs whose names are on the Electoral Rolls but who are able to furnish one of the above mentioned I-Cards are also eligible to vote.
Kindly encourage as many as possible to exercise their franchise.  It is always better that one casts one's ballot as early as possible, to prevent bogus voting later on during the day.
Any complaints of fraudulent / bogus voting, etc. should be brought immediately to the notice of :
Ø  The Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), 
     Election Commission, General Administration Department, 
     Block No. 7,     II Floor, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar 382 010
     [ Tel.:  (079) 23250316 / 23250318   Fax:  (079) 23250317 ]
ceo_gujarat@eci.gov.in     www.ceogujarat.nic.in
Let's hope and pray that we have  free and fair elections in Gujarat !
Yours sincerely,
Fr. Cedric Prakash sj

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